Arrival and Dismissal Procedures



Parental responsibility resumes at your child’s dismissal time. Please pick up your child on time. There is no supervision for your child after dismissal unless he/she is enrolled in the After Care Program. Students who are not enrolled in an after school program are not permitted to remain on campus after regular dismissal time for any reason. All students will be escorted to their designated exits. Older students in grades 2-5 may walk home given parental permission. First grade students dismissed at 1:50 are not permitted to walk home alone or remain on campus after regular dismissal time to wait for a relative in an upper grade who is dismissed at 3:05pm. Repeated late pickups may result in severe consequences. For example, local police and/or state children authorities may be contacted. If your child qualifies for bus transportation, we strongly encourage you to use it. Private bus transportation may also be arranged by parents, if you so choose.

Rainy day dismissal

Please make prior rainy day arrangements with your child. The main office phone is not available for students to make arrangements to get home.

Late Pick Ups

While we understand that occasional emergencies may occur, it is our expectation that students will be picked up in a timely manner each day. Security personnel will be available for 20 minutes after dismissal to oversee students, after that time, late students are walked into the Main Office. Students who are picked up late 3 or more times during a nine-week period will not be able to participate in extra-curricular activities and/or field trips. NOTE: If a child has not been picked up by 5:00 p.m., a call to the Florida Abuse Hotline will be placed.