Attendance Policy


Your child’s success at school depends on GOOD ATTENDANCE!

Persistent absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a student and is regarded a very serious problem. All absences are recorded as UNEXCUSED until a doctor’s note or a letter from the parent is received explaining the reason for the absence. The note MUST be sent within 3 days of the absence. After 3 days, the absence CANNOT be changed.


Excused Absence – A signed note from a doctor or parent regarding student illness or medical appointment (please schedule appointments after school whenever possible); death in the family; court appointment; mandated religious observance.

Unexcused Absence – Vacations, personal services, local non-school event, illness of others, non-compliance with immunization requirements (unless lawfully exempted); any other absence not identified as “excused.”

TARDIES  Punctuality is also very important! Repeated or continual tardy arrivals may result in detentions, parent notifications, loss of student privileges or official Attendance Review Meetings.